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UNFPA in Ghana - Newsletter Vol. 3


Readers of this issue of the UNFPA-Ghana Newsletter will find that the stories and articles therein reinforce the point that in the context of the SDGs, advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH&R) can no longer be done in the business-as-usual mode.

They highlight ongoing efforts with our partners to do things differently and to bring some innovation even to the ostensibly tried and tested approaches like policy dialogue, capacity building, agenda setting conferences and workshops, and action-oriented stakeholder engagement.

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Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project (SWEDD)


This booklet presents the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) regional initiative. The SWEDD is the result of a joint response by the United Nations and the World Bank Group, is a response to a call made by the presidents of the six Sahel countries, Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.
The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the demographic transition, to spur the demographic dividend, and to reduce gender inequality in the Sahel region.
Since its official launch in November 2015, the initiative has grown and is proceeding rapidly. Full steam ahead.

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 4


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 4


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 3


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 2


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
Under the guidance of the African Union Commission and with the support of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners, the National Youth Council is coordinating this youth summit and high-level forum. There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 1


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
Under the guidance of the African Union Commission and with the support of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners, the National Youth Council is coordinating this youth summit and high-level forum. There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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UNFPA in Nigeria - Quarterly Newsletter 02


This quarter, UNFPA activities in Nigeria were youth centered, from the launch of  the national response to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation to the global technology platform developed to promote access to comprehensive reproductive health education and the multi-sectoral youth programming in Cross Rivers State; the Fund has been relentless in ensuring that every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA also urged the quick adoption of the rejected “gender and equal opportunities bill” when it is reintroduced to the Nigerian Senate.

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Creating high level visibility for humanitarian interventions in Nigeria


This document highlights the good practices of the UNFPA Nigeria Country office in creating visibility for the Fund in humanitarian context. Visibility is a key concern to any institution and for the UNFPA Nigeria Country office, the baton was on us to demonstrate results in humanitarian settings to internal and external partners at both the national, regional and global level.

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Collaboration entre UNFPA et l'Association des Chefs Traditionnels du Niger (ACTN)

Les Chefs Traditionnels du Niger: Mortalité maternelle, Mariage des enfants, Dividende démographique


UNFPA et l'Association des Chefs Traditionnels du Niger (ACTN) ont signé un partenariat pour des séances de sensibilisation sur les thématiques de UNFPA (Mortalité maternelle, Mariage des enfants, Dividende démographique).
En décembre 2015, le 4è Forum a eu lieu à Dosso (Niger) et voici le Rapport imagé de cet important événement pour UNFPA Niger.
Depuis 2012, chaque fin d'année, nous nous réunissons avec eux pour faire le bilan des activités menées et programmer celles de l'année suivante. 

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