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Bamako Forum: UNFPA organizes a side event on Demography, Peace and Security

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Bamako Forum: UNFPA organizes a side event on Demography, Peace and Security

calendar_today 19 May 2021


Bamako Forum: UNFPA organizes a side event on Demography, Peace and Security

The 21st edition of the Bamako Forum will take place this year from 20 to 22 May in Bamako, Mali, on the theme: "Sustainable development and human capital: results and operational priorities for the Transition in Mali".

On the margins of the Bamako Forum, UNFPA is organizing a special session on Wednesday, 19 May, on Demography, Peace and Security (DPS) and an Intergenerational Dialogue with young people. This side event will be an opportunity to present the results of empirical studies carried out in the Liptako-Gourma compiled in the book "Demography, Peace and Security: cross-reference for a Resilient Central Sahel." The book summarises national case studies, two statistical models and the reflections of the aforementioned scientific committee.

The side event will also present an opportunity to share the progress made in implementing the Fass Émergent (FassE) initiative, an example of operationalizing the demographic dividend at the local level.

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