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Partnerships: Sweden donates about 1 million USD to UNFPA in Liberia Ebola Response

Partnerships: Sweden donates about 1 million USD to UNFPA in Liberia Ebola Response


Partnerships: Sweden donates about 1 million USD to UNFPA in Liberia Ebola Response

calendar_today 06 November 2014

The Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Liberia, Ms. Ewa Nunes Sorenson, with UNFPA Liberia Officer-in-Charge, Dr. Remi Sogunro/Photo credit: UNFPA Liberia

Monrovia, Liberia. UNFPA has received 1 million USD from Sweden which represents half of a total amount of 2 million USD in support of the United Nations joint appeal to respond to the Ebola crisis in Liberia. At a formal signing ceremony in Monrovia on 29 October 2014, the Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Liberia, Ms. Ewa Nunes Sorenson, said Sweden was proud to support the people of Liberia through the United Nations.

“Sweden is happy to contribute to efforts by the United Nations Population Fund to improve Sexual and Reproductive Health and reduce morbidity and mortality among pregnant women and girls and combat Gender based violence during the Ebola crisis”, Ms. Sorenson added.

In response, UNFPA Liberia Officer-in-Charge, Dr. Remi Sogunro, who signed on behalf of the UN said “the global response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa has increased significantly in recent weeks, but there still remains a huge gap in stopping the spread of the virus, treat those who have been infected and ensure the provision of essential health services”.

“The support from the Government and people of Sweden is the first tangible support to the Joint UN Appeal. It is our hope that donation can be a catalyst for a rapid restoration of health and social services to the communities in dire need”, he said.

“Ebola is not only having a heavy toll on women as care givers in hospitals or at home, but also as wives, individuals, mothers and givers of life”, Dr. Remi noted.
In Liberia, UNFPA made the provision of emergency reproductive health kits including clean delivery kits, to manage pregnancy and its complications both at the level of the health facilities and communities as well as the procurement of gynecological gloves to facilitate safe delivery whilst protecting the service providers from infection as its top priority. It has also been engaged in the supply of disinfectants, heavy duty gloves and booths, aprons, hand-washing apparatus to health facilities.

Moreover, the Fund is now the UN agency leading Ebola contact tracing in Liberia and neighbouring Sierra Leone and Guinea.

In addition, UNFPA is working with partners to ensure that communities are educated about Ebola prevention mechanism.

Calixte Hessou