- As of 31 October, 7.1M people have been impacted by flooding across the region (OCHA). UNFPA continued response efforts through engagement with partners, the deployment of humanitarian midwives and mobile clinics, distribution of Interagency Reproductive Health (IARH) kits and dignity kits, and delivery of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services. UNFPA is appealing for USD 7.8 million and launched an individual giving campaign with support of HQ.
- UNFPA coordinated with the WHO, Africa CDC, and governments in Central and West Africa to mitigate the risk of mpox in vulnerable communities, including humanitarian settings. This included providing information and support to those affected in the Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Congo, and Nigeria.
- On 13 October WCARO held the third Regional Humanitarian Steering Committee meeting with a focus on the security situation, response to the regional flooding and humanitarian funding.
- An official visit was conducted between UNFPA and WHO on 31 October to strengthen the Partnership with WHO Regional Emergency Hub in Senegal, identify areas of collaboration and agree on next steps for operationalization.
- UNFPA COs in the 8 humanitarian countries and 5 spillover countries reached 120,372 people with lifesaving SRH services, including for safe deliveries and family planning. In total, 564 health facilities were supported with essential medicines, equipment and staff. Further, 71,426 people benefited from GBV interventions, including GBV case management and medical assistance. 211 Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces (WGSS) were supported across 13 countries ensuring women and girls affected by humanitarian crises receive essential care, psychosocial support, information, and referrals to specialized health, mental health and protection services.