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West and Central Africa Regional Situation Report September 2024

West and Central Africa Regional Situation Report September 2024
West and Central Africa Regional Situation Report September 2024


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UNFPA West and Central Africa

Situation Report

West and Central Africa Regional Situation Report September 2024

Publication date

21 October 2024

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  • 6.6M people have been impacted by flooding across the region (OCHA). UNFPA has responded and is working with partners to deploy midwives and mobile clinics, provide Interagency Reproductive Health (IARH) kits and dignity kits, and establish GBV and SRH services. Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Niger and Nigeria, some of the countries worst affected, applied for and received Emergency Funds from the Humanitarian Response Division. UNFPA is appealing for USD 7.8 million (please see the second WCARO flash update). 
  • UNFPA continued to coordinate with WHO, Africa CDC, national governments and other key stakeholders on mpox prevention and response, with COs engaging in risk communication strategies.
  • UNFPA COs in the 8 humanitarian countries and 5 spillover countries reached 120,050 people with lifesaving SRH services, including for safe deliveries and family planning. In total, 599 health facilities were supported with essential medicines, equipment and staff. Further, 74,680  people benefited from GBV interventions, including GBV case management and medical assistance. 186 Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces (WGSS) were supported across 13 countries ensuring women and girls affected by humanitarian crises receive essential care, psychosocial support, information, and referrals to specialized health, mental health and protection services.