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Collaboration entre UNFPA et l'Association des Chefs Traditionnels du Niger (ACTN)

Les Chefs Traditionnels du Niger: Mortalité maternelle, Mariage des enfants, Dividende démographique


UNFPA et l'Association des Chefs Traditionnels du Niger (ACTN) ont signé un partenariat pour des séances de sensibilisation sur les thématiques de UNFPA (Mortalité maternelle, Mariage des enfants, Dividende démographique).
En décembre 2015, le 4è Forum a eu lieu à Dosso (Niger) et voici le Rapport imagé de cet important événement pour UNFPA Niger.
Depuis 2012, chaque fin d'année, nous nous réunissons avec eux pour faire le bilan des activités menées et programmer celles de l'année suivante. 

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Midwives committed to the abandonment of FGM!


Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

Midwives play a key role not only in averting maternal and newborn deaths, but also in promoting good health in communities as a whole. FGM is a deeply entrenched cultural practice and many midwives face significant social pressure from the community to perform it. Midwives are however ill equipped to resist this pressure because the majority of midwives have not received formal training and education on FGM.


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Reducing Risks and Improving Safe Childbirth in Nigeria


With a Maternal Mortality Ratio of 576 per 100,000 live births, Nigeria contributes the largest number of deaths in Africa. Everyday, there is a 1 in 13 lifetime risk of maternal mortality and 111 women die daily from pregnancy and childbirth complications, with over 41, 000 dying to preventable causes that could be averted if basic quality health care was accessible.

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Study on the Social Media Campaign #Fagaru Jotna


As access to internet becomes increasingly widespread in Senegal, Social networks are attiring more and more people. In 2013, almost 6% of the population were active Facebook users, and every day approximately 3,500 Tweets Were produced in the country. Around 2 million Senegalese used internet and at least 75% of them were enrolled at social media platforms. (Hafidh, 2013) The most utilized social Media among the Senegalese is Facebook; in 2014, 57% of the country’s active Internet users had a Facebook profile. Second most popular social network is YouTube (24%); third is Google+ (23%) and fourth comes Twitter (16%). 


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Executive Summary - Annual Report 2015 - UNFPA West & Central Africa Regional Office

Annual Report

This executive summary to the WCARO 2015 Annual Report captures the highlights of UNFPA's interventions across the countries in the region. It clarifies how we work together to ensure every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Our mission is to build the foundations for change by enabling girls and mothers to make choices. We want them to be able to choose when to marry, choose when to give birth and choose how many children they want. We want to help them (and all young people, whatever their gender) to get the essential knowledge, training and skills they need for a dignified life and be able to choose a rewarding job. And when they choose to have children, we want to help them do that safely too and for these children to thrive in a political climate which is empowering, open and honest and encourages equal opportunity for all.

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Annual Report 2015 - UNFPA West & Central Africa Regional Office

Annual Report

This annual report captures the actions and results of the UNFPA West and Central Africa Regional Office and the 23 Country Offices in the region. It clarifies how we work together to ensure every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Our mission is to build the foundations for change by enabling girls and mothers to make choices. We want them to be able to choose when to marry, choose when to give birth and choose how many children they want. We want to help them (and all young people, whatever their gender) to get the essential knowledge, training and skills they need for for a dignified life and be able to choose a rewarding job. And when they choose to have children, we want to help them do that safely too and for these children to thrive in a political climate which is empowering, open and honest and encourages equal opportunity for all.

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7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) Outcome Document


This is the Outcome Document of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR). 8th – 12th February 2016. The theme of the event was: "Realising the Demographic Dividend in Africa. The Critical Importance of Adolescents and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." This event was hosted by Curious Minds Ghana under the distinguished patronage of the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana and President of the African First Ladies Against HIV & AIDS (OAFLA), Her Excellency Dr. Lordina Mahama. The UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin delivered the keynote address. 

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7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) Newsletter 3


This newlstter captures the proceedings and highlights of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) from 8th – 12th February 2016. The theme of the event was: "Realising the Demographic Dividend in Africa. The Critical Importance of Adolescents and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." This event was hosted by Curious Minds Ghana under the distinguished patronage of the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana and President of the African First Ladies Against HIV & AIDS (OAFLA), Her Excellency Dr. Lordina Mahama. The UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin delivered the keynote address. 


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7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) Newsletter 2


This newlstter captures the proceedings and highlights of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) from 8th – 12th February 2016. The theme of the event was: "Realising the Demographic Dividend in Africa. The Critical Importance of Adolescents and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." This event was hosted by Curious Minds Ghana under the distinguished patronage of the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana and President of the African First Ladies Against HIV & AIDS (OAFLA), Her Excellency Dr. Lordina Mahama. The UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin delivered the keynote address. 

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7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) Newsletter 1


This newlstter captures the proceedings and highlights of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR) from 8th – 12th February 2016. The theme of the event was: "Realising the Demographic Dividend in Africa. The Critical Importance of Adolescents and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." This event was hosted by Curious Minds Ghana under the distinguished patronage of the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana and President of the African First Ladies Against HIV & AIDS (OAFLA), Her Excellency Dr. Lordina Mahama. The UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin delivered the keynote address. 

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