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Analysis of Legal Frameworks on Female Genital Mutilation in Selected Countries in West Africa


Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been internationally recognized as a violation of the rights, health and integrity of women and girls. FGM constitutes both a result and a perpetuation of gender inequality and discrimination against women and girls, harming their lives in many ways. The global consensus on the need to eliminate all forms of FGM worldwide is clearly reflected in Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 and in several United Nations Resolutions.
Although FGM prevalence in almost all countries is slowly but steadily declining, the absolute number of girls subjected to FGM is likely to grow, since most affected communities are also experiencing high population growth.
We know that a legal framework that clearly outlaws FGM can support its abandonment. When a government criminalizes FGM, it sends a clear signal that the practice will no longer be tolerated. Where FGM is already socially contested, legislation can encourage those who wish to abandon it and deter those who fear prosecution. Having a national law is an important step towards ending FGM but for it to be effective, the law must be implemented and enforced.

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State of World Population Report

Right now, the combined wealth of the world’s 2,473 billionaires, as calculated by Wealth-X, exceeds $7.7 trillion. That’s equivalent to the combined gross domestic product of an astonishing four fifths of the world’s countries
in 2015. It means that while some privileged households budget for billions, many hundreds of millions of families barely scrape by on less than $1.25 a day.
This is a path that we pursue at our peril. The yawning gap between the richest and the poorest is not only unfair, but a risk to economies, communities and nations. In 2015, in recognition of this risk, the world’s governments agreed that the path to sustainable development for the next 15 years must be built on a foundation of equality, inclusiveness and universal enjoyment of rights.

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Islam, Demographic Dividend, and Family Wellbeing


An international symposium on “Islam,Demographic Dividend and FamilyWellbeing” took place in Ndjamena, Chad, from 25 to 27 July 2017, at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Chad and the Chadian
Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (CSAI), and with the financial and technical support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Bank. The event brought together “more than 1,200 Muslim leaders”1.

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Demographic Dividend Lessons from two years of advocacy with UNFPA-WCARO


“Today is the beginning of a new milestone… Let us not forget that Africa is the continent with the most constraints and uncertainties. Globally, it appears as a disaster area, therefore you see why our action and our place in the agenda beyond 2015 are critical. For this reason, I would like to suggest a roadmap that could help us maximize our contribution, the construction of a better future for us and for all… Today there is a need to agree on how to make the Demographic Dividend the foundation of all of our interventions...” said Mabingue NGOM, Regional Director of UNFPA West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) on June 30, 2015 in Libreville in Gabon.

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Review of Adolescent and Youth Policies, Strategies and Laws


Adolescent health and development are key foundations for a country’s economic development and political stability. The outcomes of adolescent health are closely linked with future adult development, infant and child mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, and even long-term economic development. 

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A Leadership of Empathy and Commitment

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Family Planning in the Sahel: An essential investment for the achievement of the demographic dividend, and the realization of peace, security, and stability


This report presents the highlights of the spotlight session organized during the London Family Planing Summit that took place in London in July 2017.




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UNFPA WVARO Regional Islam, Demographic Dividend and Family Wellbeing

Regional Symposium on Islam, Demographic Dividend and Family Wellbeing


Islam, Demographic Dividend and Family Wellbeing was addressed during the N’Djamena regional symposium. It highlighted the fundamental role Muslim leaders play in accelerating the demographic transition, to develop their skills on such issues as family planning, maternal and infant mortality, and to promote women’s rights to sexual and reproductive health services. 


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Demographic Dynamics and the Crisis of Countries around Lake Chad


Despite its high economic potential, evidenced by the existence and exploitation of abundant mineral resources in the region (oil in Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad, and uranium in Niger), the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) faces numerous environmental, socio-economic and security challenges. Further, beside the climatic changes (constant drought) aggravating the lake’s gradually dwindling waters and the resulting repercussions on poverty, this part of Africa suffers violent extremism from the acts of terror perpetrated by Boko Haram, which since 2002, continues to spearhead regular attacks against border communities. The prevailing situation across Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger and Chad, has attracted the spread of international terrorism and the growing vulnerability of local communities in the region as a whole. 




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From crisis to development around Lake Chad


From crisis to development around Lake Chad Strategy for an Integrated, Holistic and Sustainable Response UNFPA Regional Office for West and Central Africa

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