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Rendre la justice accessible aux femmes et aux filles…

par l’instauration de services juridiques spécialisés et gratuits et par l’augmentation du nombre de femmes dans les processus de mise en application des lois et les services de base.

Adopter et appliquer des lois…

visant à mettre un terme à l’impunité, à  poursuivre en justice les auteurs de violences à l’égard de femmes et de filles et à offrir à celles-ci des recours et des réparations  pour les dommages qu’elles ont subis.



As an Artivist, Nikkolas Smith's mission is to inspire people to take action and make a positive change in the world. His latest artwork is part of an exhibition presented and organized by the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The exhibition highlighted the importance of engaging men and boys in eliminating female genital mutilation.


Women's rights are most often not respected in the northern regions of Cameroon. The crisis with Covid19 makes the situation even worse. To address the situation UNFPA is creating safe spaces for women's empowerment and resilience.



Symposium pour la mobilisation des leaders traditionnels autour de la transition démographique au Niger : les leaders traditionnels comme Agents de changement.


The retreat for UNFPA representatives from 23 West and Central African country offices in Dakar, Senegal. Undertaking innovative and accelerated interventions to achieve UNFPA's three transformative outcomes are among the objectives of the retreat.



An overview of the country programme development; from the strategic thinking phase through the final document.


Une vue d'ensemble du développement du programme national ; de la phase de réflexion stratégique au document final.


POPULATION D'AFRIQUE 1 : How to transform population growth into an economic opportunity in West and Central Africa? In this region with the highest fertility rates in the world, UNFPA is rolling out its 2018-2021 strategic plan to harness the demographic dividend.


The "New Deal" concept is a community pact based on a moral commitment between girls' clubs and parents to a "zero pregnancy" goal within the "girls' clubs. It is a commitment by parents not to marry off their daughters before the age of 18, with the girls in turn swearing not to become pregnant before marriage. This innovative initiative aims to reduce the vulnerability of young girls through the fight against early marriage and pregnancy, female genital mutilation (FGM) and the promotion of the use of sexual and reproductive health services.


Despite the trauma of the Boko Haram crisis which affects many young people in the region, UNFPA has put in place a strategy to allow the victims to meet their needs.
