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Women victims of obstetric fistula are very often abandoned by their husbands and their families because of the strong urine stench. In some communities, they are stigmatised and marginalized from society.

In Niger, many women suffer from obstetric fistula. This condition is a social as well as public health issue.

This documentary film takes us through the causes and consequences as well as the actions that UNFPA has invested in, in support of the Government of Niger, to prevent and treat this condition, and to reintegrate its sufferers.


UNFPA' s Regional Office for West and Central Africa (French version)


UNFPA' s Regional Office for West and Central Africa (English version)


Contact tracing is very important to combat the Ebola outbreak


On 26 November 2014, taking the opportunity of the launch in Addis-Ababa of the African Health Stat Data Platform by the African Union Commission (AUC), UNFPA Regional Director for West and Central Africa, Benoit Kalasa, in a video message congratulated AUC for its leadership in the Campaign on Accelerated reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality in Africa (CARMMA) and the new dynamic online data platform.


L'assistance apportée par l'UNFPA aux réfugiés et victimes d'inondations au Burkina Faso. 175 personnes ressources ont été formées à la mise en oeuvre de services de santé sexuelle et reproductive. En situation de crise, elles peuvent être déployées sur l'ensemble du territoire et ont déjà porté assistance à plus de 3500 femmes.


UNFPA assists refugees and the flood victims in Burkina Faso.
175 people were trained to implement sexual and reproductive health services. They can offer valuable assistance in a crisis situation throughout the national territory. They have already assisted more than 3,500


De 2012 à 2014, l'UNFPA et ses partenaires au Burkina Faso ont assisté les réfugiés maliens afin de prévenir les violences basées sur le genre (VBG) et prendre en charge les victimes
Plus de 50 000 personnes ont pu être touchées par les activités de sensibilisation menées sur les VBG.


From 2012 to 2014, UNFPA and partners in Burkina Faso have supported Malian refugees to prevent Gender Based violence (GBV) and take care of the victims.
More than 50,000 people have been reached by the awareness activities carried out to prevent GBV.


Après le traumatisme suite à leur enlèvement de force de leurs maisons, presque affamées à mort et violemment maltraitées par leurs ravisseurs, les victimes de l'insurrection Boko Haram entament leur processus de guérison par un soutien psychosocial fourni par l’UNFPA en partenariat avec le gouvernement japonais.
