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UNFPA Preparedness and Response To the Rescued Girls


UNFPA welcomes the ongoing negotiations that led to the release of 21 Chibok girls and is expected to lead to the release of more girls who were kidnapped from the north-eastern Nigeria, including the remaining Chibok Girls. 

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UNFPA in Congo: Visit from the Regional Director


This newsletter presents the highlights of the visit of the Director of UNFPA's West and Central Africa Regional Office to the Republic of Congo. During his visit to the Congo, Mr. Mabingue Ngom, had the opportunity, through field visits and meetings with partners, to see for himself the reality on the ground. Congo might be an orange country, but looking back at his visit, the Regional Director confessed that UNFPA Congo’s challenges are the same, if not worse, than those faced by red LIC’s. Despite the challenges, UNFPA Congo is seeking new ways to improve its orange mind-set, it might be a though neighborhood with a lack of resources, but by thinking and acting orange, the office is constantly seeking new ways to make the impossible possible.

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"High-level Dialogue on Strengthening Partnership to accelerate Afica's Demographic Dividend"


The landmark High-level dialogue was hosted by the President of Burkina Faso and co-organised by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund and the World Bank during the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. 

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Liberia Update July - September 2016


In this issue of UNFPA Liberia's newsletter: UNFPA and Swedish Govt. Sign agreement to empower Young People, UNFPA and partners Observe World Population Day (11 July), Renewed Collaboration to end obstetric fistula in Liberia, MoH with support from UNFPA begins rollout of tool to monitor EmONC, Fistula Programme graduates 35 survivors from skills training center, MoH and partners adopt new family planning Strategy.

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Advancing access to family planning: UNFPA ED and DfID PS visit Nigeria


This newsletter presents the highlights of the high-level UNFPA and DfID joint advocacy visit to Nigeria during which the UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin and the DfID Permanent secretary, Mr. Mark Lowcock made an investment case for Family Planning; stating that it is the single most cost effective strategy for sustainable economic development. This visit benefited from close coordination between UNFPA Supplies, UNFPA Nigeria, the Division of Communications and Strategic Partnership alongside the West and Central Africa Regional Office.

Also watch the video report that was prepared for TV5 Monde:

Mark Lowcock reiterated the support of the British Government to support Nigeria to surmount the current challenges itfaces in increasing quality access to contraceptive services. In addition, he promised to work with other partners to increasefunding if Nigeria can show increased commitment through domestic funding for family planning services in the country;reiterating the need for the continuous investment on essential and life-saving commodities in line with all the commitmentsmade by the Nigerian government, including commitments made at the London Family Planning Summit of 2012 aswell as United Nations Commission on Life Saving Commodities.

Watch the video report that was prepared for TV5 Monde:

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Echo, Bulletin d’informations de l’UNFPA- Côte d’Ivoire


Le samedi 30 juillet dernier, la place de l’indépendance de la ville de Korhogo qui jouxte la résidence du préfet, la Mairie et le Palais de Justice, était noire de monde.

La ville accueillait la 30e édition de la Journée mondiale de la population (JMP) sur le thème national : «in­vestir dans les adolescentes pour l’atteinte du dividende démogra­phique». Pour ce faire, elle avait re­vêtu ses plus beaux apparats et fait peau neuve pour entendre Mme Nialé Kaba, Ministre du Plan et du Développement.

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Sierra Leone celebrates World population Day


The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), UNFPA and partners celebrated World Population Day on 11th July, 2016 on the theme, “Investing in Teenage Girls”. The main events of the celebration were held at the Miata Conference Hall, Youyi Building, Freetown.

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UNFPA in Nigeria Vol. 3


The highlight of this edition is the graduation ceremony of school girls from the girl empowerment project, in Ilaje community, a slum in Lagos State. With 5 million out of school girls in Nigeria, the project was a platform to give girls access to education outside the classroom so no one is left behind. Details of this intervention and more can be read within the pages of this newsletter.

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Liberia Update April-June 2016


In this issue of UNFPA Liberia's newsletter : 

  • UNFPA Turns Over Prisoners’ Rehab. Facility to Gov’t
  • Stakeholders Discuss Fistula Prevention in Liberia
  • UNFPA Deploys Hepatitis B Vaccine to GBV One-stop Centers
  • Liberian Youth Engage Political Parties
  • MoH & UNFPA Train gCHVs

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High-level Symposium on the Demographic Dividend and Africa's Development - E-Newsletter


This e-newsletter presents the highlights of the High-level Symposium on Demographic Dividend and Africa’s Development.

The Symposium provided space to share knowledge and experiences, networking and constructive exchanges among high-level eminent person and opinion leaders, policy makers and the participants. Most noteworthy is the inter-generational dialogue that took place during the symposium between young people and the high-level policy makers and opinion leaders, which allowed them to share their concerns with the eminent personalities who will hopefully influence policies and decisions that will translate to more strategic investments in young people to harness demographic dividend in Africa. 

The Symposium brought together high-level opinion leaders and policy makers across Africa, including five former Heads of State and Government (H.E. Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, H.E. Karl Auguste Offmann of Mauritius, H.E. Armando Emilio Guebuza of Mozambique, H.E. General/Dr. Yakubu Gowon of Nigeria, H.E. Aminata Toure of Senegal), Prime Minister of Senegal (H.E. Mohammad Boune Abdallah Dionne), representative of the President of the Organization of African First Ladies, His Royal Highness (HRH) Yahaya Haliru, the Emir of Shonga (Nigeria), 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate and SDGs Advocate Leymah Gbowee and several distinguished researchers youth leaders and Ministers. 

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