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Strengthening Local Capacities across West and Central Africa


In this brochure, we share some of our recent experiences, for the consideration of others who wish to promote the ambitious integration framework of the Sustainable Development Goals and the aspirations of Agenda 2063 through broad-based multi-stakeholder partnerships to support country-led and country-owned initiatives across many sectors. By walking the talk, our actions have sought to address the pressing need for implementation capacity development and have strengthened local institutions to handle their own issues in their own way and to leverage their own local experts, leaders and communities. Pursuit of the demographic dividend is a powerful pathway to realizing the future we want for Africa.
One of the ways UNFPA is taking action to help accelerate planning and targeted investments leading to the demographic dividend is by working with the Centre for Economics and Applied Finance Research at the University of Thiés (CREFAT) to advance the National Transfer Accounts methodology across West and Central Africa. This is an analytical method that informs planning and policies by focusing on the influence of population growth and changing age structure on economic growth, gender and generational equity, public finances, and other important features of a country’s economy.

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High-level Symposium on the Demographic Dividend and Africa's Development - Conclusions


These are the conclusions of the High-level Symposium on Demographic Dividend and Africa’s Development.

The Symposium provided space to share knowledge and experiences, networking and constructive exchanges among high-level eminent person and opinion leaders, policy makers and the participants. Most noteworthy is the inter-generational dialogue that took place during the symposium between young people and the high-level policy makers and opinion leaders, which allowed them to share their concerns with the eminent personalities who will hopefully influence policies and decisions that will translate to more strategic investments in young people to harness demographic dividend in Africa. 

The Symposium brought together high-level opinion leaders and policy makers across Africa, including five former Heads of State and Government (H.E. Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, H.E. Karl Auguste Offmann of Mauritius, H.E. Armando Emilio Guebuza of Mozambique, H.E. General/Dr. Yakubu Gowon of Nigeria, H.E. Aminata Toure of Senegal), Prime Minister of Senegal (H.E. Mohammad Boune Abdallah Dionne), representative of the President of the Organization of African First Ladies, His Royal Highness (HRH) Yahaya Haliru, the Emir of Shonga (Nigeria), 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate and SDGs Advocate Leymah Gbowee and several distinguished researchers youth leaders and Ministers. 

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UNFPA in Ghana - Newsletter Vol. 3


Readers of this issue of the UNFPA-Ghana Newsletter will find that the stories and articles therein reinforce the point that in the context of the SDGs, advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH&R) can no longer be done in the business-as-usual mode.

They highlight ongoing efforts with our partners to do things differently and to bring some innovation even to the ostensibly tried and tested approaches like policy dialogue, capacity building, agenda setting conferences and workshops, and action-oriented stakeholder engagement.

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Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project (SWEDD)


This booklet presents the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) regional initiative. The SWEDD is the result of a joint response by the United Nations and the World Bank Group, is a response to a call made by the presidents of the six Sahel countries, Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.
The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the demographic transition, to spur the demographic dividend, and to reduce gender inequality in the Sahel region.
Since its official launch in November 2015, the initiative has grown and is proceeding rapidly. Full steam ahead.

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 4


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 4


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 3


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 2


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
Under the guidance of the African Union Commission and with the support of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners, the National Youth Council is coordinating this youth summit and high-level forum. There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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African Youth Charter Commemoration - Accelerating Youth Development in Africa (#AUBanjulPlus10) - Newsletter 1


This newsletter captures the proceedings and highlights of the #AUBanjulPlus10 - Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Youth Charter - from 21st to 25th of May 2016. The theme of the event is: "Accelerating Youth Development in Africa.
Under the guidance of the African Union Commission and with the support of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners, the National Youth Council is coordinating this youth summit and high-level forum. There is an important link therefore between the discussions around reinforcing implementation of the policy frameworks in Africa and their pivotal role in harnessing the youth potentials to attain the Demographic Dividend and Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

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UNFPA in Nigeria - Quarterly Newsletter 02


This quarter, UNFPA activities in Nigeria were youth centered, from the launch of  the national response to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation to the global technology platform developed to promote access to comprehensive reproductive health education and the multi-sectoral youth programming in Cross Rivers State; the Fund has been relentless in ensuring that every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA also urged the quick adoption of the rejected “gender and equal opportunities bill” when it is reintroduced to the Nigerian Senate.

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