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Regional Demographic Profiles Compared: West and Central Africa’s Position


This working document, drawn up on the basis of the World Bank report, focuses on Africa and more specifically West and Central Africa, and gives an overview of the efforts required in this part of the world with regard to a ‘catching-up’ strategy to stop it lagging further, the key development stakes and challenges it faces. It also underlines Africa’s comparative advantage compared to other regions of the world in terms of its large demographic potential. The document underlines the persistence of poverty in this part of the world, the poor access to basic social services, the low level of education especially for young girls, levels of maternal mortality which are amongst the highest in the world, the persistence of gender-based violence, the difficulties of professional integration for young people. But in order to meet the challenges, there needs to be increased political commitment at the highest level, an increase in financial resources, and the general participation of all (both the public and private sectors) via strong strategic partnerships at the global, regional and national level.

Ce document de travail, élaboré sur la base du rapport de la Banque mondiale, met l’accent sur l’Afrique et plus particulièrement l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, et donne un aperçu des efforts à accomplir dans cette partie du monde au regard du retard accusé, des grands enjeux et défis en matière de développement auxquels elle est confrontée. Il met également en exergue l’avantage comparatif de l’Afrique par rapport aux autres régions du monde relatif à son grand potentiel démographique. Le document souligne la persistance de la pauvreté dans cette partie du monde, le faible accès aux services sociaux de base, le faible niveau d’éducation surtout chez les jeunes filles, le niveau de mortalité maternelle parmi les plus élevés au monde, la persistance des violences basées sur le genre, les difficultés d’insertion professionnelle chez les jeunes. Mais, le relèvement de ces défis passe nécessairement par le renforcement de l’engagement politique de haut niveau, l’accroissement des ressources financières, et la participation générale de tous (secteur public et privé) à travers des partenariats stratégiques très forts, à la fois au niveau global, régional et national.

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(SUMMARY) UNFPA’s contribution to the Ebola Virus Disease response: Adaptability and Agility in Action


UNFPA showed great agility and leadership in its response to West Africa’s 2014 Ebola crisis, receiving recognition locally, nationally and internationally for its contribution.  

The organization maximised its financial and human resources by swiftly reallocating budgets and funds and reassigning staff.   It recognised that tracking and monitoring the health of all those who had had contact with Ebola sufferers was the key to containing the spread of the disease.  

UNFPA provided investment and training to contact tracers and mobilized the community to become both decision and change makers, using local leadership structures and the media.

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(SUMMARY) Remaining effective in the humanitarian response in West and Central Africa


In 2015, UNFPA demonstrated effective delivery of humanitarian assistance in a number of crises, including ensuring psychosocial support for the victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria and supplying thousands of reproductive health kits to health facilities in the Lake Chad Basin region.
It used advocacy and policy dialogue to advance the humanitarian agenda, bringing together governments to address cross-border issues and maintaining a relationship with policy makers which kept the plight of the vulnerable current and visible.


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(SUMMARY) Improving Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights to build resilience in health systems in West and Central Africa


West and Central Africa faces huge challenges in ensuring equitable access to maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services.   

The region has the highest total and adolescent fertility rates in the world and unacceptably high maternal mortality rates, at 679 deaths per 100,000 live births.   It also has the highest population in sub-Saharan Africa but an insufficiently skilled health personnel to meet the demand for health services. The recent 2014 Ebola outbreak clearly underlined the weakness of existing systems in a significant number of countries.  

In response, UNFPA has adopted a holistic and integrated approach to these challenges and is working with governments and other partners towards its goal of delivering a world where ‘every pregnancy is wanted and every childbirth is safe’. 

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(SUMMARY) Investing In Adolescents and Youth to Realize the Demographic Dividend in West and Central Africa


West and Central Africa’s population is predominantly young, representing a huge resource for the region. However, a lack of access to health, education and employment is holding these young people back.

UNFPA recognizes the critical importance of investing in adolescents and youth to harness the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa. The potential of the youth population to positively contribute to the realization of the demographic demographic will only succeed if there are significant investments in lowering fertility rates, improving maternal mortality rates and educating and empowering young people.  

UNFPA’s West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) has embraced this strategy and is using the organization’s four modes of engagement: high-level advocacy and policy dialogue; knowledge management; service delivery and capacity development to bring about the necessary changes. 

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UNFPA’s contribution to the Ebola Virus Disease response: Adaptability and Agility in Action


UNFPA showed great agility and leadership in its response to West Africa’s 2014 Ebola crisis, receiving recognition locally, nationally and internationally for its contribution.
The organization maximised its financial and human resources by swiftly reallocating budgets and funds and reassigning staff.
It recognised that tracking and monitoring the health of all those who had had contact with Ebola sufferers was the key to containing the spread of the disease.
UNFPA provided investment and training to contact tracers and mobilized the community to become both decision and change makers, using local leadership structures and the media.

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Investing In Adolescents and Youth to Realize the Demographic Dividend in West and Central Africa


West and Central Africa’s population is predominantly young, representing a huge resource for the region. However, a lack of access to health, education and employment is holding these young people back.
UNFPA recognizes the critical importance of investing in adolescents and youth to harness the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa. The potential of the youth population to positively contribute to the realization of the demographic demographic will only succeed if there are significant investments in lowering fertility rates, improving maternal mortality rates and educating and empowering young people.
UNFPA’s West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) has embraced this strategy and is using the organization’s four modes of engagement: high-level advocacy and policy dialogue; knowledge management; service delivery and capacity development to bring about the necessary changes.

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Improving Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights to build resilience in health systems in West and Central Africa


West and Central Africa faces huge challenges in ensuring equitable access to maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services. 
The region has the highest total and adolescent fertility rates in the world and unacceptably high maternal mortality rates, at 679 deaths per 100,000
live births.
It also has the highest population in sub-Saharan Africa but an insufficiently skilled health personnel to meet the demand for health services. The recent 2014 Ebola outbreak clearly underlined the weakness of existing systems in a significant number of countries.
In response, UNFPA has adopted a holistic and integrated approach to these challenges and is working with governments and other partners towards its goal of delivering a world where ‘every pregnancy is wanted and every childbirth is safe’.

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Remaining effective in the humanitarian response in West and Central Africa


In 2015, UNFPA demonstrated effective delivery of humanitarian assistance in a number of crises, including ensuring psychosocial support for the victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria and supplying thousands of reproductive health kits to health facilities in the Lake Chad Basin region.
It used advocacy and policy dialogue to advance the humanitarian agenda, bringing together governments to address cross-border issues and maintaining a relationship with policy makers which kept the plight of the vulnerable current and visible.

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UNFPA Sierra Leone Newsletter


The first half of 2016 was an era of transition for UNFPA Sierra Leone. There was a change in leadership with a new Country Representative assuming office, a shift from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as from Ebola surveillance to recovery.

To meet the demands of the new SDGs unveiled in 2015 and to best meet the national post-Ebola President’s Recovery Priorities, UNFPA Sierra Leone country office also began to realign its 2015-2019 country programme with the objectives of the SDGs.

In our quest to save women’s lives and to empower adolescents and youth the Country Office implemented a number of activities aimed at keeping issues that matter high on the agenda. We also worked to build the capacity of our partners and those on the ground to deliver quality services to the people who need them most.

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